Sak,K., Everaus, H Use of murine L1210 and P388 lymphocytic leukemia cells in cytotoxic studies of flavonoid.International Journal of Phytomedicine, 7 (2), 131−135.

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Questions Vayakhel • On which day did Moshe assemble the Jewish People? • Why is the prohibition against doing work on Shabbat written prior to the instruction for building the Mishkan? • Why does the Torah specify the particular prohibition of lighting a fire on Shabbat right after it had already noted the general prohibition of doing work on Shabbat?

• What function did the ' yitdot hamishkan' serve? • What function did the ' bigdei hasrad' serve? • What was unusual about the way the women spun the goat's hair? • Why were the Nesi'im last to contribute to the building of the Mishkan?

How does the Torah show dissatisfaction with their actions? • Who does the Torah identify as the primary builders of the Mishkan? From which tribes were they? • What time of day did the people bring their daily contributions for the construction of the Mishkan? • For what was the woven goat's hair used?

• What image was woven into the parochet? • Why does the Torah attribute the building of the aron to Bezalel? • Where were the sculptured cheruvim located? • How many lamps did the menorah have? Reshebnik k sborniku zadach po algebre 10 klass shneperman 2. • Of what materials was the mizbe'ach haketoret composed?

• Of what material was the mizbe'ach ha'olah composed? • The kiyor was made from copper mirrors. What function did these mirrors serve in Egypt?

• How did the kiyor promote peace? • The kiyor was made from the mirrors of the women who were crowding at the entrance to the Ohel Mo'ed. Why were the women crowding there? • Of what material were the ' yitdot hamishkan' constructed?

Vaenga Zhelayu Peredelka Prikoljnaya

Pekudei • Why is the word Mishkan stated twice in verse 38:21? • Why is the Mishkan called the 'Mishkan of Testimony'? • Who was appointed to carry the vessels of the Mishkan in the midbar? • Who was the officer in charge of the levi'im? • What is the meaning of the name Bezalel?

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• How many people contributed a half-shekel to the Mishkan? Who contributed? • Which material used in the bigdei kehuna was not used in the coverings of the sacred vessels? • How were the gold threads made?

• What was inscribed on the stones on the shoulders of the ephod? • What was on the hem of the me'il? • What did the Kohen Gadol wear between the mitznefet and the tzitz?

• What role did Moshe play in the construction of the Mishkan? • Which date was the first time that the Mishkan was erected and not dismantled? • What was the 'tent' which Moshe spread over the Mishkan(40:19)? • What ' testimony' did Moshe place in the aron? • What function did the parochet serve? • Where was the shulchan placed in the Mishkan?