Jul 6, 2008 - Free Essay: Driver's Ed notes Mr. Fielding-is the teacher-he is the drivers Ed teacher. He gets the kids confused He wishes he didn't have to be.

The universal experience for most high school students is learning to drive and getting their driver's license. Add breathlessly plotted romance and an accident and you have a poignant and realistic novel. Remy Martin prays to the God of Driver's Education that she will get to drive today. She doesn't know where she's going, but she knows one thing.. She is going to ge The universal experience for most high school students is learning to drive and getting their driver's license. Add breathlessly plotted romance and an accident and you have a poignant and realistic novel. Remy Martin prays to the God of Driver's Education that she will get to drive today.


She doesn't know where she's going, but she knows one thing.. She is going to get there fast. Cara mckenna willing victim pdf free. Morgan Campbell had been standing on the threshold of 16 and getting his driver's license ever since he could remember. But deep into the first crush of his life, thinking of nothing but girls, Morgan forgot what driving was all about. This poignant novel about responsibility and consequences is as convincing as it is irresistible.

This book is about 2 teenage kids who decide to make a bad mistake by stealing a road sign. The teens who decided to steal this sign were 3 16 year old teens. Their names were Morgan Campbell, Remy, Nicholas Budie the only teens that have had a lot to do with it was Nicholas Budie, Morgan Campbell because Nicholas was tdriver but every night late at night he would drive around staeling signs and Morgan was in it because he wanted that sign he thought that sign was special because it said'Morgan This book is about 2 teenage kids who decide to make a bad mistake by stealing a road sign.

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The teens who decided to steal this sign were 3 16 year old teens. Their names were Morgan Campbell, Remy, Nicholas Budie the only teens that have had a lot to do with it was Nicholas Budie, Morgan Campbell because Nicholas was tdriver but every night late at night he would drive around staeling signs and Morgan was in it because he wanted that sign he thought that sign was special because it said'Morgan Road'. This whole story starts off in a genetic american suburb.When those teens take that sign off that post they don't relize who they are going to be hurting and in the end they didn't just hurt one person they hurted a bunch because by them removing that sign they took a life of a young mother. When they had the guilt for awhile they decided to turn themselves in and take the blame for her death.They thought that they could that they were doing no wrong because Morgan wanted his name road for a drivers ed project.Remy is a blond haired girl, and all she worries about is making sure her hair is the same and right wway each and everyday.Then you have Morgan who is blond also, and is a weight lifter and is a really built guy. I would have to say because I have my licence I would hate if sokmeone took the sign down and made me not know the law for that intersection and that is the reason for my death.


I really don't understand why some people would even think about removing the signs if they want them so bad why don't they just go buy them. This book taught me that think about your actionsbecause they can affect someone and even hurt them. I think this is a great book for teens to read because most of us are starting to drive or are driving and this is a great example of things that can happen when stupied teens don't think before they make their decision, and adults too because they can learn that when they think their teens are doing something right and a big sign appears in their room question them and ask where they got that sign.I would have to say this genra is for young adults and adults. The reason why I say adults and teens is because kids won't take this serious. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.