The problems of adaptation of childrenmigrants coming to Russia from near and far abroad do not lose their relevance in the context of increasing flows of. Oct 25, 2018 - In this excerpt from our Watch List 2018 annual early-warning update for European policy makers, Crisis Group advises the EU and its member.

The problems of adaptation of childrenmigrants coming to Russia from near and far abroad do not lose their relevance in the context of increasing flows of migration in the world in general. In order to study the adaptation of children coming with their parents, we will highlight one of the important aspects - the introduction of such children in the educational process. In the course of the research, the data of the Department of Migration Accounting for the Astrakhan region were used, classes were attended in general educational institutions, the manuals and educational programs of schools receiving children who do not know Russian as a native language were analyzed. An analysis of the material indicates a methodological deficit for such children, the need to take into account the polyethnic composition of students in the educational standard, according to which the educational process of Russian-speaking schools is organized. • Programma razvitija MOOU SOSh № 40 g.

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Spisok Dokumentov Dlya Statusa Pereselenca Iz Turkmenii V Rf

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