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I’ve got a part-time job He said that in his time there, he was beaten and robbed several times by armed militiamen taking advantage of the lawlessness gripping the country since the 2011 revolution. In Tripoli, he was told how to find Somali brokers, who advised him how to cross to Europe.

The brokers, working in partnership with the Libyan smugglers, charged him $400 for a place on a boat. Expecting an easy ride on a big ship, he was shocked to find that once they got to the beach, he was expected to board a small rubber dinghy with dozens of equally desperate Africans. I’m in my first year at university Soulja Boy got clipped by cops in a marijuana bust early on Oct.

The ‘Pretty Boy Swag’ rapper, 21, and four other men were arrested in Temple, Ga., after a ‘routine’ traffic stop led to a search of their black Cadillac Escalade, a law enforcement source told the Daily News.’Upon further investigation, officers discovered a substantial amount of marijuana, hand guns and a substantial amount of cash, about $35,000,’ the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing. Soulja Boy, whose real name is DeAndre Cortez Way, and his four co-defendants are facing charges of pot possession, possession with intent to distribute and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, cops said.