Just point the installer to your X3: Reunion game folder in Steam/Common apps and you will be rocking out with your cockpit out. You must first register and then. Jul 13, 2010 - The X-Tended Mod is a large addition to the existing X3:Reunion. (Only 2 mods have been hosted by Egosoft in. Make sure you have a clean install of X3:Reunion. Does this have imps cockpit mod compatability?

Hello everyone, excuse my ignorance because I'm very new to this X3 game, I just found it cheap on Steam and thought I'd give it a try. First impressions are, I'm not very impressed!

DownloadX3 Reunion Cockpit Mod Download

Why hasn't my ship got a cockpit? It just looks as though your flying about in space like Superman or something, how can you possibly be sitting in a ship/spacecraft and not see any of it? No instruments, no controls, nothing. Have I set the game up wrong or is it supposed to be like this?

If there is no cockpit in game, does anyone know if there is a mod anywhere for installing one please? I've put the cockpit mod in and roguey's mod no longer works, this is terrible news as his mod is a very big improvment on the default. I'm starting to wish I'd never bought this game, it seems very boring unless you just like floating around looking at space. Thanks for your replies guys. - jon157uk I admit I thought the same thing when I first started playing. There's a huge amount to get to grips with because the series being long running, with each iteration adding something. If you can get over the first few hurdles where everything seems daunting, and get into the game actual, then it'll grow on you.

As far as any conflict between the mod conflicts, it may have something to do with the order in which they applied. Roguey should know which other mods his will work with. With respect to floating around in space though, there are a few ways to cut down on those boring bits. You may or may not know these next tips, so excuse any things of which you are already aware: 1. Increase your SETA factor from 6x to 10x, cutting down on travel time about about 50% 2.

Jumpdrive is a must have item. Don't be scared off by the price or the energy cell requirements. The gains massively outweigh the losses.

Add the bonus material pack from egosoft and hunt down an Afterburner. Happy hunting! @ Seygantte:- I agree, switchable cockpits would have been a great idea. It feels totally unrealistic flying around space and not being surrounded by your ship, in fact to me it very much gives the impression that you're just floating around in some kind of spacesuit with a glass helmet on. Another point that I find very silly is how your ship just seems to spin around on the spot when you turn to the left or right, I find that very unrealistic too, surely it would bank to the left or right in a similar fashion to an aircraft? I have taken your advice and added a few of the mods you suggested, it is an improvement but I have to be honest, I'm still finding the game very boring and I can't see any point in what we're supposed to be doing, when you get attacked you get shot to bits before you even know where the enemy is and when you're trading it takes light years to build up a decent amount of credits.

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I must say I still find the game-play side of it much better in X2 than it is in X3 but then of course X2 now looks very dated. @ Seygantte:- I agree, switchable cockpits would have been a great idea. It feels totally unrealistic flying around space and not being surrounded by your ship, in fact to me it very much gives the impression that youre just floating around in some kind of spacesuit with a glass helmet on. - jon157uk From what I've read, you're flying a small fighter aren't you? When you move on up to bigger ships, you'll find that you will have parts of the ship visible in your peripherals which makes it look better. Most M3s have it, and all M6s that I can think of.