Simulink coder free download free

Simulink HDL Coder is a Development software developed by The MathWorks, Inc. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free.

Simulink HDL Coder is a Development software developed by The MathWorks, Inc. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for Simulink HDL Coder: Brothersoft Editor: Simulink HDL Coder generates bit-true, cycle-accurate, synthesizable Verilog and VHDL code from Simulink models, Stateflow charts, and Embedded MATLAB code. The automatically generated HDL code is target independent. Simulink HDL Coder generates Verilog code that complies with the IEEE 1364-2001 standard and VHDL code that complies with the IEEE 1076 standard.

As a result, you can verify the automatically generated HDL code using popular functional verification products, including Cadence® Incisive®, Mentor Graphics® ModelSim®, and Synopsys® VCS®. You can also map the automatically generated HDL code into field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) or application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) using popular synthesis tools, such as Altera® Quartus® II, Cadence Encounter® RTL Compiler, Mentor Graphics® Precision®, Synopsys Design Compiler®, Synplicity® Synplify®, and Xilinx® ISE™. Simulink HDL Coder also generates HDL test benches that help you verify the generated HDL code using HDL simulation tools.

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